It was going so fast, only Sitecore Symposium has been finished, I was installing new Sitecore 9 on my local machine.
I have mainly everything on my computer, I believed, because of previous projects in Sitecore, so installation will be faster. I've skip all backgrounds tool like .Net Framework or Solr and I've focused on SIF installation.
I went through each installation step and run script, it's alive I thought ! Everything was ok until step 27 which showed mi something like this:
Wow ! Something with windows service ? I've started to figure out what could block my windows service. Windows event logger looked like:
So something with my windows, which couldn't open new xconnect service. I've read a lot, talked with DevOps to find out some windows solution and then I've noticed that new Sitecore 9 needs solr on SSL setup :) !
My routine was my biggest opponent at that moment. I moved back to previous step installations and released SSL ports, installed solr on SSL and whole Sitecore work perfectly. At this moment I would like to warn you - don't trust yourself :)
In connection to Solr on SSL I will not repeat my friends work and just link to their posts:
Lukasz Skowronski post
Kamsar post
Enjoy new Sitecore 9 !
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